The Relaunch of Welcome Housing


Why do we need a relaunch? 

It’s been a little over a year since Welcome Housing has operated as short-term housing for those arriving through refugee resettlement. Due to policies set forth by the presidential administration and the COVID-19 pandemic, the amount of people arriving to the United States has been at an all time low.

Thankfully, we are now able to start putting the pieces back together and prepare for the arrival of New Americans. This is both overwhelming and exciting. With this in mind, we realized that a program revamp was needed to continue serving Welcome Housing guests to our very best ability.

We know that we are better together, so we have taken this time of preparation to meet and plan alongside the International Rescue Committee, Agency for New Americans and Glocal to provide the best holistic housing opportunity and service to our guests.

One of the most exciting developments of the relaunch includes the renovation of all three Welcome Housing condos! This renovation will consist of general updates to the condo as well as updated appliances and furniture. Our hope is that these new developments will create a more comfortable, welcoming, and sustainable transition space for our guests.

What makes Welcome Housing different from a hotel?

  1. Affordability- The costs to stay at our condos is and always will be at least 40% cheaper than a hotel.

  2. Smooth transition and comfort for guests- Unlike a hotel, the Welcome Housing condos resemble what the guests long term housing will be like. This reduces stress and allows for an easier transition.

  3. Efficiency for Resettlement Agencies- By working with resettlement agencies to help assist families as they transition, agencies are then given more capacity to serve each family.

  4. Training & Education Support- Families who stay in Welcome Housing are equipped with educational resources related to housing and long-term stability.

How will this happen?

We hope to raise all the funds we need throughout the summer through the Welcome Housing Relaunch Campaign.

In order for us to renovate the condos and finish developing our new program, we need to raise $85,000 by October 2021.

If you would like to help us kickstart our campaign, click here!

If you would like more information on our fundraising campaign please contact us by sending an email to info@leaphousing, or by phone at (208) 391-2823.